To update your credit card information on file, please follow these steps:
Log In to Your Account
Navigate to and log in to your account. If you are unsure of your login credentials, utilize the "Forgot Password" feature available at You can reset your password using your username, email address, or domain name.
Access the Update Section
Once logged in, locate the "Your Info" section on the left-hand side of the screen. Click the green "Update" button to proceed.
Navigate to Billing Information
After the page reloads, find the "My Account" section on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on the "Billing Information" link.
Update Credit Card Details
In the "Billing Information" section, you will have the option to remove any outdated credit cards and add a new credit card for future transactions.
For any questions or additional assistance, please submit a support ticket through our support portal.
If you require further help, our support team is here to assist you.
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